It may happen that you are buying stuff in a webshop and they provide you suspicious or partial information about the delivery method. This could be a big problem just before public holidays or if you need to receive in time a birthday present.
For example, in my case it’s very bad when a webshop shows in the checkout/delivery section my address, and then I think it’s a home delivery.
But instead they use PostNord (and worst option together with “Pakkeautomat”) that in my area it works very badly. As I don’t need to waste hors of my time traveling around to try to get my goods, this extension can save me a lot of time and stress.
To solve the problem there is the free extension for Google Chrome “Courier blocker“.
The extension will notify you if you are visiting a website with not enough information to get a problem-free delivery. You can also read the full list of webshops in the database.
The database needs your help: if you have a bad experience with a webshop due to missing/wrong delivery information, please send the following information:
- The webshop address (url).
- A short description of the problem.
A note: after installing it, Chrome requires that you activate it and “pin” it on the extension bar, so that it is visible and you can check webshops delivery info by pressing the icon.