Anti-nausea wristbands – against car sickness and bus sickness (motion sickness)

Unfortunately I discovered that I suffer from car sickness, or rather from bus sickness, whose official name is “motion sickness“.

In practice, if while I was on the bus I did not look fixed in front of me (i.e. staring at the horizon), for example I looked at the cell phone or read a book, after a few minutes I felt the nausea that persisted for several hours, and ruined my day.

Luckily I discovered a remedy, let’s say empirical, as for official science it would be witchcraft and it could never work, but which is based – at least so they say – on a pressure point of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) – a point of energetic meridian to understand each other – called “Nei-Kuan Point”.

Luckily I practiced oriental techniques for many years (meditation, Qi-Gong, Tai Chi) and therefore I immediately understood that it could be a serious and “real” thing, having obtained personal results that are impossible for doctors.

So I tried .. The result: fantastic! Now I can read and do what I want on the bus and I no longer suffer from nausea. I can wear them even as soon as I get on the bus, and I place them a few centimeters away from my wrists (i.e. towards the elbow), with the pressure button on the side of the wrist. In my opinion, they are also suitable for children and for people of all ages. And all without the need for medicine. I once tried by boat during a whale watching in rough seas, and I must say that it worked very well.

For several years we have not used the car anymore, because public transport is more comfortable and above all it takes away the thought of having to stay behind the car, pay the stamp duty, maintenance, testing, change tires according to the season, pay tolls, etc. etc.
Here public transport is very punctual, and the frequency depends on the lines: it goes from the couple of minutes for the most popular lines in the center, to 15 minutes for the main lines, up to 30 minutes for the less important lines.
The metro has a frequency of about 15 minutes, for the stops in the center (in the ring) even just a couple of minutes.
By far I prefer the Metro and trams, but now I work in a position where I am forced to take the bus, as it takes me much less time. These bracelets have improved my day!

I think it’s a great gift to give to a family member, friend, or even a work colleague!

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